Quantum Soul Journey
As we are discovering the vast ways to HEAL our spirit, soul, and hearts with Earth and PLANT Medicine, we have just recently re-discovered the TEPEZCOHUITE tree. It has been called the MAYAN AYAHUASCA, MIMOSA DMT, and AKASHA MEDICINE. This webpage is solely and strictly for educational purposes and we work with these sacraments in order to HEAL ourselves, not to USE or ABUSE them.
This Earth Medicine has exponential healing power on a Quantum level. Quantum Soul Journey was birthed with a deep love and remembrance that healing doesn’t have to be hard. The call to heal the Soul has been heard far and wide as the world is notably going through a “psychedelic renaissance”. If you are reading this, you are a part of it! Welcome! We invite you with open arms and honor you for having the strength and desire to heal.
QSJ supports this psychedelic REVIVAL in Sacred Gratitude. We believe this can be best achieved through authentic ceremonial methodologies, with a deep spiritual awareness of the eternal Soul.
Quantum Soul Journey is a community of like-hearted Souls that serve as guiding lights for fellow journeyers on this planet. Those feeling the pull to Soul-u-lar level expansion through reclamation, remembrance, healing, and exploration at the quantum level! All are welcome!
Are you ready to “level up”?
What is Tepezcohuite you ask? Tepezcohuite is a Mayan Medicine also known as the “Mayan Ayahuasca”. Tepezcohuite comes from the Mimosa Tenuiflora tree originating from the Yucatan Peninsula. The Mimosa Tenuiflora is a beautiful tree also known as “The Sacred Tree of Life”. It births incredibly bright colored flowers that give the energy of expansion beyond words.
Also known as Akasha Medicine, Tepezcohuite heals on a Cellular level. This tree EXPANDS the MIND, REKINDLES the SOUL , and DECALCIFIES the HEART. Tepezcohuite opens the veil and heals on an eternal level, healing timelines simultaneously. Read on for more about how this medicine serves as a deeply connected ally to the human race.
This is Medicine for the Soul.
Are you ready to “Soul-render”?
DMT,N, N-Dimethyltryptamine aka, the “Spirit molecule”. This term was coined by Rick Strassman, Author of the book DMT: The Spirit Molecule. We carry natural DMT in our bodies, in the lungs, in the gut and in the brain. Little is known about this molecule and is still being studied by scientists worldwide. One thing we do know is there are two times in your lifetime that high amounts of DMT are released, it is at the beginning of life, when you are born, and when you pass on to the next, at the end of life. Japanese scientists found over 25 years ago, that outside forms of DMT cross the blood-brain barrier. Other substances that cross the blood-brain barrier are water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The blood brain barrier is a protective layer of blood vessels, tissue and cells that keep out harmful substances yet allows in DMT. This is very interesting to say the least! Keep reading to learn more about this incredible molecule!
The Sacred. The Divine. Aligning with Divinity.
The root word of “Sacrament” in Latin is “Sacred” meaning, to “hollow out”, a remembrance of the”holy “.
In Greek “sacred” means “mystery”. The etymology of the word “sacrament” in late Old English means “an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace”.
“Sacrament” is a word to describe “the sacred” within & without. Reminding us that we are innately holy and divine beings. By understanding and utilizing plant medicines as sacrament, we can remove and heal the ancestral trauma that created blocks/stagnation in our Quantum selves.
Working with Tepezcohuite as a Sacrament, through traditional Ceremonial practices, a deep remembrance ensues!
Ceremonia Maya Tepezcohuite
The authentic nature of each Ceremony is in alignment with the spirit of the medicine itself, through experience and a deep love for these allies as sacrament. With Integrity, Authenticity and holding to the roots of Traditional ceremonial methodologies, our ceremonies are powerful beyond words.
This medicine is so powerful, it seemingly has the ability to bend time providing healing on all planes of existence, all timelines and lifetimes merging into one.
What is a Ceremony?
Ceremonial practices are found in all cultures worldwide and can go by many names. It can be seen as a formal celebration of transitional events! Most often, “Ceremony” is related to religious or formal occasions like a “Marriage Ceremony”, or a coming of age ceremony practiced by indigenous people that harbor the transitional point of young people becoming adults.
A Ceremony is weaved and created through ritual.
In ancient history, Mayan Rituals and Ceremonies were in rhythm with the cosmos that aligned with their ancient deities themselves. The Maya culture didn’t see a disconnection of the physical and the spiritual. They understood the many layers of existence were weavings of connection to all things. The ancient Maya saw a Spirit in every plant, insect, rock, and animal and all were connected. Nothing was separate. The Micro and Macro were one and each Soul carried the connection to all timelines and dimensions….to all there is and ever was. Ceremonies of the Ancient Maya were held with this deep wisdom intact.
This is Medicine for the Soul.
The Mayan medicine that is Tepezcohuite, is one of the most healing sacred plants that exist on the earth plane. Tepe (short for Tepezcohuite) ceremonies are known to rid oneself of negative energies (or parasites) that are your own, picked up from others, ancestral or karmic. They are also for the Soul, full of light with a focus on healing through compassion. It removes fear and fills that space with Unconditional Love and connectivity to your Higher Self; a journey to a bliss-filled state of freedom and Oneness with God Source Energy.
The moment you commit to meet the medicine, the Ceremony begins and the medicine starts working with you on a cellular level. A path of expansion will unfold right before your very eyes!
Ready to find out if a ceremony is right for you?
History/Ritual Use
Evidence of use of the Mimosa goes back to the Mayan civilization, and even before them to the Aztecs who named it tepez-cohite, which derives from the Aztec tepus-cuahuitl, meaning “metal tree,” referring to one of its qualities of having very hard wood. The use of this tree as a visionary drink during shamanic rituals and ceremonies is a recent finding. It appears that the use of this tree for shamanic purposes is one of the best kept secrets of the Mayans and that it was the vehicle used to do astrological work in choosing the location for their temples. Communion of this plant was reserved to the Mayan scholars and priests for performing their duties or work.
The first botanical description was done in Mexico during 1810 and only recently it was recognized as being the same species as the Brazilian Mimosa hostilis. Data from 1788 shows the existence of a Jurema cult which consumed drinks made from the Mimosa. There was a belief that the cult had died out however, that was not the case and the little left is now re-emerging.
Tepezcohuite is organically extracted directly from the Mayan Tree of Life. Natives of the eastern Amazon such as the Pancaru, Kariri, Fulnio and Tusha used the Jurema drink to induce altered states of consciousness giving the Shamans extraordinary symbolic and meaningful dream states. There is not a lot of evidence on how the preparation was done and how the rituals were performed, the little known has been recorded in research such as Schults and Hofmann in 1980
“An old master of ceremonies, wielding a dance rattle decorated with a father mosaic, would serve a bowlful of the infusion made from jurema roots to all celebrates, who would then see glorious visions of the spirit land, with flowers and birds. They might catch a glimpse of the clashing rocks that destroy souls of the dead journeying to their goal or see the Thunderbird shooting lightning from a huge tuft on his head and producing claps of thunder by running about”. (R.H. Lowie, in Shults and Hofmann 1980)
What We Know, Scientifically Speaking...
The only parts utilized are the bark and roots which contain many active ingredients, such as DMT, NAO5 DMT, and other essential alkaloids and oils. The Science behind this medicine is still being explored!
N,N, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a mixed serotonin receptor agonist that occurs endogenously in several organisms, including humans.
“DMT is found to be naturally produced in the human body and shares a similar tryptophan core with other psychedelic medicines. Research has found that it works primarily on the 5-HT2A receptor which is similar to the way serotonin behaves and has also been found to play several roles or influence other physiological processes that occur in our body. DMT may be a medicine of significant adaptive mechanisms in spiritual transformation, but can also serve as a promising substance in scientific applications of westernized medical therapies involving anxiety, substance abuse, inflammation, cancer, or healing damage to the tissues of the brain and spinal cord via neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. More scientific research is being conducted to validate hypotheses surrounding DMT with supporting evidence. ” Adrienne, on our core research and development team has delved into this research extensively. Click on the link below to dive deep into the science!